Monday, June 5, 2023
We are sorry that we are unable to be with you all today to celebrate our Aunt Ruth. She was an amazing lady and we loved her very much. From my earliest recollections of her to her later years, she always made us so welcome when we would show up for a visit. Thinking back, I think that my family were all recipients of some of her amazing knitting skills. We also enjoyed many delicious meals prepared with love by her. Even through all of the difficult losses that she experienced, Aunt Ruth always seemed to remain positive and accepting. In reading her obituary, it was evident of what a capable lady she was within her profession and her church and what a humble lady she was as well. We are so grateful that she was part of our family and we were given the opportunity to be blessed by knowing her and experiencing her love for us as well. Hugs to each of you as you journey through this incredible loss. Love to each of you. Gary and Carol Verity